Saturday, May 4, 2019

Alimentum Formula

I recently read a post in one of my groups on Facebook. The post was from a mom who was struggling to find the right formula for her child who was constantly spitting up. There were tons of comments saying that it sounds like reflux try this this or this. After reading it made me want to right this and share my experience. My daughter is 2 months right from the beginning she had issues with holding formula down. It got so bad she was drastically loosing weight. We ended up having to take her to the ER after a iv and various tests they diagnosed her with reflux . Due to her weight lose they admitted her. We spent a week in the hospital during which time the doctors changed her formula for a fourth time to Similac Alimentum. Sure enough it worked. She was able to keep the formula down and started gaining weight. I had never heard of this kind of formula till that hospital visit and I imagine it's the same for allot of other moms. I highly recommend Similac Alimentum it's on the expensive side but it works it's well worth it.


  1. My oldest son had reflux. At his 4 month appointment he hadn't gained any weight so his pediatrician changed his formula. It's amazing what finding the correct one can do for your kids!

  2. Ooooooo sounds like the perfect formula for little ones with reflux issues!!! I liven that it’s hormone free as well!

  3. My friend's son has reflux issues. She has tried a few formula but it wasn't the perfect one. I will let her know about this.

  4. We used this for my little boy when he had reflux! We acually thought he had a milk allergy at first!

  5. I do not have a child, but my friend does so I will let her know about this for sure xx

  6. Oh that is great to know! I have a friend that was considering switching to this formula so I will forward your review to her!

  7. This looks like some amazing formula. I wish they would have had this when mine were tiny!

  8. I never heard of this before but I don't have any kids.

  9. Reflux with kiddos is just not fun. My girls both had to take all sorts of reflux meds til they started solids at 6 mos...

  10. This is so important! Thank you for sharing your experience! My youngest one was diagnosed with reflux, but it was caused by morphology deffect of her stomach. In fact I was breastfeeding her. I had to give her anti-reflux medicin when she was only 5 weeks old, and she took it for 2 months, until her stomach developped correctly and she could have a normal digestion. But it was har, sometimes I had to breastfeed her 14-16 times a day... I nearly haven't slept for three months.

  11. My daughter had Reflux. We gave her Nan 2, which is better. At the time, the doctor suggested Similac too but it was very hard to get here.
